
Showing posts from December, 2017

Why You Should Invest In A Good Quality Mattress

Considering the fact we spend almost 1/3 rd of our entire lives sleeping, it’s startling to find out how many people still don’t understand the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. According to various studies, not only do 60% of people in the UAE suffer from sleep deprivation, most of us haven’t ever stopped to consider what could be causing it! The importance of sleep New research has shown that getting the body’s required 8 hours of rest has greater physiological impacts on the human health than diets or exercise. Patients who were regularly getting good quality sleep showed much better memory skills, more focus, lower levels of stress, better control on their blood pressures, and improved productivity.  On the other hand, those that were left constantly sleep-deprived exhibited signs of increased insulin levels, weight gain, depression, and even psychosis or A.D.D (Attention Deficit Disorder) in extreme cases! So what contributes to a good night’s rest