Sleep is the human equivalent of restarting a device in hopes that it might start functioning again. You wake up feeling revitalized and ready to take the challenges of the world after a good night’s sleep. It goes way farther than a way of boosting your mood and getting rid of tired looking skin and dark circles under your eyes!
Sleep is one of the most essential needs of a human body. It has numerous health benefits and plays a role in keeping your lifestyle balanced and healthy. Sleep deprivation reduces your ability to focus, and learn. The deprivation also leads to a number of health issues like diabetes, heart problems, obesity, anxiety, depression, and many more.

Not being able to get enough sleep can be due to a number of reasons. Maybe your partner snores or your toddlers have a terrible sleep schedule. Another reason could be extreme room temperature. Perhaps the surface you sleep on isn’t providing the right amount of support and comfort. Just because you got the best mattress in Dubai, it doesn’t mean you’d never have to replace it again!

The reasons for not being able to sleep could be numerous, but we’re not focusing this article on the issues. We’re compiling a list of things you can do to get the sleep you deserve:

Put in the homework

Give your sleep the status it deserves! Just like you prioritize the things you must do in a day, you need to make space for your sleep as well. Right it down in your to-do-list if you have to!

Make sure you are strict about your sleep schedule. Just like you wouldn’t stay up past your bedtime just to watch another episode of a TV show for an important meeting first thing in the morning, don’t do it for your sleep too. Make a sleep and wake schedule and stick to it at any cost.

Stop Snoozing

We know how tempting it is to hit the snooze button just to squeeze a few extra minutes of sleep when your alarm goes off in the morning. But for the sake of your own sleep, please don’t do that.

mattress Dubai

Research studies have pointed out the unhealthy link between snoozing your alarm clock repeatedly and feeling fresh. Basically, the more times you hit the snooze button on your alarm, the more likely you are to wake up feeling more tired.

Break this habit today by setting up your alarm for the time you actually need to get up; and if you must snooze your alarm, make sure that you do it only once!

Eat Well to Sleep well

What you eat and drink largely impacts the quality of your sleep. For this reason, it is advised to not take a meal or any caffeinated drink immediately before going to bed.

In fact, the best course of action is to finish eating at least 2-3 hours prior to your bedtime. The idea is to give your digestive system enough time to break down the food before you sleep so it can relax as well with the rest of your body.
You should finish having any caffeinated beverage or alcohol drink in the early evening as it takes longer to break.

Comfort above everything

Your bedroom should be the most comfortable spot for you in the whole house if not the whole wide world!

Make sure the thermostat is set to an ideal temperature in your room. Make adjustments to keep it dark and free from all forms of artificial light once you get in your bed. Your room should be cozy and quiet. It should be tempting enough to make you want to sleep.

Turn off the blue lights

If you have a habit of watching television, using your laptop or phone or playing games on your tablet, you’re in for a bad night!

The light emitting from these electronic devices affects your brain waves, causing difficulty in falling asleep. The mechanism is to stimulate your brain into staying awake when you’re trying to fall asleep. It is advised not to use any electronic device, including your smartphone, once you are in your bed.

Mattress effect

The actual act of falling asleep is deeply affected by your mattress. Make sure that you replace your mattress every seven years!

The comfort and support your body needs to be able to sleep well cannot be provided by an old and worn out mattress. Even if it was the best mattress in Dubai, the most competitive market in the world, it still has a lifespan! A bad mattress can lead to inadequate sleep, waking up feeling more tired, back and neck pain, physical discomfort and much more.

Furthermore, all mattresses are designed to provide certain benefits. You need to research which mattress fits your needs the best before making the purchase.
Additionally, if you co-sleep with a partner, make sure that your mattress provides enough space for both of you. A king or queen-sized bed is recommended for couples.

The quality of your sleep is what determines how productive you’re going to be the next day. Don’t take it lightly! Make a conscious effort to create a healthy sleep schedule and stand by it through thick & thin. Remember to replace your mattress once it has run its course, and make the new choice based on your requirements.


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