Choose The Height Of Bed And Mattress Sensibly

While in the market looking for a new bed it’s quite possible you may only think of the comfort and design and ignore the height of the bed. The height does matter a lot in combination with the frame of the bed and contributes highly in the outlook of the bedroom and also the comfort level of your sleep. 
Mattress Dubai

Relation of bed height and comfort:

Height of the bed directly affects a person’s well-being and comfort on daily basis. Bed height is directly proportional in making you easy or uneasy getting in and getting out of it. Obviously you want to strain your legs while getting out of a low bed and you want to jump in and out of a high bed as well.

Average height of the bed:

According to sleep experts in Dubai the average height of a bed for an average person needs to be 23 to 25 inches in length which includes the frame and the mattress Dubai. But this can also differ individually, as everyone has different height and physique.

Height of the bed should be according to the height of the person, whether the person is tall or short in stature. Foam mats on the beds are normally 16 to 24 inches from the floor.

Judge the height easily:

Here is how you can judge the spectrum of the bed.

Sit on the edge of it, if your feet are flat on the floor and the knees are parallel to the hips i.e. they are in straight line with the hips then the bed’s height is ideal. The bed is too low if the knees are above the hips and it is too high if the feet can’t reach the ground or only half of the foot or toes reach the ground. 
Mattress Dubai

Two options:

If you and you partner are of different heights then you got two options at hand. A tall bed with a step that also compliments the decor of the room can be handy and can give you a feeling of normality and opulence. On the other hand less heightened bed will create discomforts for you and mainly for partner.

Depth of the foam:

The soft foam mat must blend well with the bed you’ve chosen. If you like to sleep on a thick foam mat for extra comfort you may go with a short frame and if you have bought a tall frame which can store a lot beneath it, you may use a thinner mattress Dubai.

At the end the important choice is your own as you can go for any thickness of the foam matt which you like for your comfort.


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