What makes a Bed more Comfortable for Sweet Dreams

Best Mattress Dubai

Sleep is a most crucial physiological and psychological process in the organisms.  Human beings in particular require approximately eight hours of good quality sleep to keep themselves alive and healthy.

Why Sleep is Crucial for human survival?

Sleep is an integral part of human life. A lack of proper sleep causes various mental and physical illnesses leading to chronic diseases. Basically, sleep performs the following functions:

It is important to keep brain functionality smooth by releasing the stress and tiredness of whole day.

Speedy Growth and Smooth Development of Human Body

It promotes speedy growth and development of brain by activating REM. REM process operates while individuals are sleeping to perform recollection and management of information.

Conservation of Energy

Sleep helps to conserve the body energy. However, it is necessary to have relaxing sleep which is only possible with the help of best mattress Dubai.  It is owing to the fact that energy can be saved only when human body is in comfortable posture while sleeping.

Consolidation of Information

Further, sleep consolidates past information and memories to ensure proper working of the brain. The consolidation process is essential for accommodation and assimilation of knowledge. Sleep deprivation is a significant cause of memory loss and mental disorders. Therefore, proper sleep is essential for human health.

Proper Functionality of Immune System

Sleep is essential to strengthen the immune system in human body. The production and regulation of immune cells is done during sleep time. It is because during this time, the human body is not operational and energy can be consumed for doing extra work of maintenance.    
On the other hand, lack of sound sleep potentially results in various disorders related to immune system. Therefore, it is important to ensure proper sleep for the sake of strong immunity to fight diseases.

Sleep is Anti-ageing

Yes, don’t be surprised. Sleep is highly essential to regulate hormones related to body growth. Further, it helps to slow down the process of ageing. It has been noticed that patients with prolonged insomnia suffer from the impact of premature old ageing. Therefore, take proper sleep to keep yourself healthy and young.

Make the central nervous system strong

Sleep plays a vital role to safeguard central nerves system in human beings. During the period of sleep, barriers between blood and brain become weaker giving less space to the harmful substances to enter the nerves system.

The functions of your mattress

It is easy to identify the major functions of the mattress because it is pretty simple. First of all, ask yourself; why you need the best mattress Dubai?  It is because of the following two functions:

Comfort Level

The level of comfort is a chief function performed by a mattress. It is the reason that mattress is checked first with the help of trial prior to purchase. Further, there is a directly proportional relationship between the comfort level and sleep quality. 

However, the level of comfort differs from person to person. Some people like to sleep on medium sized soft mattress while others like a stiff large sized mattress to get sound sleep. A few categories of the mattress are latex, memory foam, and polyurethane, etc. 


A good mattress should provide proper support to the body required to take a quality sleep.  The level of support by a mattress can be measured from the weighs X lbs of a person. Therefore, the mattress support required by individuals varies as per their weight. The mattress supports come in the forms of traditional innerspring, foam core support and pocketed coil spring unit mattress.


To sum up, it is not possible to eliminate sleep from human life. It is not only crucial for physical health but very vital to keep the individual comfortable psychologically. Various functions of sleep are already discussed in the article. Individuals should follow a proper sleep routine to keep themselves happy and healthy. 

Therefore, the benefits of getting quality sleep are enormous. However, it is not possible with a good mattress that offers comfort and support to the body. A number of mattress brands are offering variety of mattress from the very cheap to very expensive. 

However, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of mattress before making a purchase. if you still feel confuse in selecting the most suitable mattress for your perfect sleep, just trust the best mattress Dubai.


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