Five effective tips to sleep better with rheumatoid arthritis!

According to stats, approximately 1% of the worldwide population suffers from rheumatoid arthritis. Commonly confused with osteoarthritis, RO is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks itself. The soft lining surrounding the joints are attacked like in the case of viruses or bacteria, causing fluid to accumulate within the joint. 

Swelling and fluid buildup will often result in pain, stiffness, and inflammation. In the UAE alone about 1% of the population suffering from arthritis includes patients of rheumatoid arthritis
Commonly confused with RO, Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease in which the cartilage around the joints wears out with age. As the bones rub against each other, they affect nerves and cause pain. Sleeping with osteoarthritis is painful and often affects the sleep routine

Five effective tips to sleep better with rheumatoid arthritis

RO may be a lifelong companion, but a few lifestyle changes and the use of specially designed comfortable mattresses Dubai can help relieve pain associated with arthritis making life easier. Since sleep is a major part of life, the article aims to highlight tips to sleep better even with the disease:

Tips to sleep better with RO

The swelling, stiffness, and pain are bound to keep you up at night. The lack of sleep not only affects your health but also keeps you tired during the day. Incorporating a few appropriate changes in your lifestyle can help you sleep better. Read on to know how you can sleep better rheumatoid arthritis:

Take your pain meds on time

Take long-acting pain medications closer to your bedtime for a comfortable sleep. If you're not sure, experiment with the timing of your medication to understand which time helps you sleep most comfortably.

Wax bath for your hands

Paraffin wax baths have been known to soothe swollen joints.  Heat paraffin wax baths and reduce the stiffness and the pain in your hands, just before bedtime.

Stick to your bedtime routine

Opt for a routine that is relaxing instead of stimulating for your mind. After you’ve had your dinner, make sure you remove all electronic devices around you and opt for relaxing activities such as reading books, meditating and listening to calming music.

Get some exercise

Exercise remains critical for everyone not just for people suffering from arthritis.  Physical activity can help you get good quality sleep by tiring you out during the day. It's essential however that you do not exercise close to your bedtime as it can often leave your body aching and cause you to stay up during the night!

Create a comfortable space for sleep!

Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet when you go to bed. Remove all sources of distraction and invest in earplugs to keep noise away. Invest in memory foam mattresses Dubai and complimenting memory foam pillows, as they're excellent options for people with chronic fatigue and pain.
Although most manufacturers provide ten-year life span warranty for mattresses, replace your memory foam mattress, if it's older than that. Opt for lighter bedding that allows you to move around in your bed, without weighing you down and exerting weight on your body.

Take away!

Although rheumatoid arthritis may be painful and cause sleepless nights, a few changes here ant her in your lifestyle and sleeping habit can help ease fatigue and allow you to sleep soundly during the night! In addition to the physical activity and right medications, opt for the best memory foam mattress and provide an optimal sleeping environment for you to sleep in! 


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